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Selectmen Minutes 12/13/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 13, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Selectman Colbert was absent.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief, Mr. Mike Paveglio reported that he had some problems with the neighbor next to the Safety Building.  On Friday, December 9, 2005 during the snow storm, when the Safety Building was being plowed, the neighbors were yelling and cursing at the drivers in an attempt to keep the plow trucks from pushing the snow toward the fence that separates the two properties.  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally confirmed this information.  Chief Paveglio stated that he told his members not to get into an altercation with the neighbors.  He advised they walk away from the situation.  He stated that he was not going to allow the neighbor to verbally abuse any member of the fire department or anyone who is plowing the parking lot.  Police Chief Patrick Clarke added to this conversation by saying that things could get out of hand.  He said the neighbors were creating a situation in a public place that could cause a normal person to be irrational.  Chief Clarke reported that the neighbors spoke to Officer Wright.  Chief Clarke asked for written statements from all who were involved.  Selectman MacCleery asked Chief Paveglio if he was going to repair or replace the fence.  Chief Paveglio stated that he does not want to put money into repairing or replacing a fence. Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally stated that the Town should plant a double row of trees.  Chairman DeBold read aloud the neighbor’s e-mail that was sent to the Selectmen’s office.  He remarked that the e-mail sounded polite.   Chief Paveglio asked if there could be a public meeting with the neighbor.  The Selectmen agreed and Chairman DeBold asked Patty to contact the neighbor and schedule them to come in on December 27th at 7PM.

Chief Paveglio asked about the Staples account.  He said it was not convenient for the Fire Department not to have a Staples account.  Chief Clarke agreed with Chief Paveglio.  Chairman DeBold said he saw no reason why the Fire Department and Police Department could not apply for separate accounts at Staples.

Patty stated that she received a correspondence from Primex regarding a member of the Rescue Squad getting injured.  Patty stated that she was unaware of any injury and that she is to be notified immediately when an accident or injury occurs.  Chief Paveglio stated that he spoke to the person who had the alleged injury and was advised by this person that they were injured at work and not while on duty at the Fire Station.  Selectman MacCleery asked Chief Paveglio to put it in writing that this person was injured at work and not while on duty at the Safety Building.  Chief Paveglio stated that he would send a letter to the Selectmen’s office.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally stated that has spoken to CLD regarding the bridge project over Sanborn Brook located on Webster Mills Road.  He advised the Board of Selectmen that the State is not going to pay for Mr. Topouzoglou’s driveway.  Patty added that she spoke to Mr. Bob Barry with the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Municipal Highways, and she confirmed that the State is not willing to pay for a driveway.  Mr. Barry stated that Mr. Topouzoplou has access to his property. Mr. Kenneally said he will speak with Mr. Topouzoglou.  Mr. Barry confirmed that the State will be paying 80% of the project.

Mr. Kenneally told the Board of Selectmen that he would not be working the next few days.  He stated that he will be working with CLD to do an analysis of Center Road.  He stated that he will be putting together a warrant article for Center Road.

Mr. Kenneally reported that Mr. Tom Marston, while plowing out the school parking lot hit the flag pole with the plow.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he spoke to the maintenance person and he told Mr. Kenneally that the flag pole could be fixed, that it would be approximately four feet shorter.  The maintenance person told Mr. Kenneally that he could saw off the end and place the pole in the ground.

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he had replaced the guardrail at Kelley Corner Road. Mr. Kenneally stated that he had not replaced it.  He stated that very recently a car or truck ran into the guardrail causing a great deal of damage.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he had the materials, but  has not installed it yet.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally to replace the guardrail as soon as possible.  Also, Selectman MacCleery stated that he received a telephone call from Mrs. Stock on Lane Road; she said that a snow plow hit their rock garden.  Mr. Kenneally said he was aware that Mr. Mayville accidentally hit the rock garden with the wing.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally to speak to Mr. Mayville.   Mr. Kenneally reported that a few mailboxes had been taken out by the wings of the plow truck.  Mr. Kenneally asked the Board of Selectmen to check Mr. Marston’s pay rate.  He wanted to know what the town will be paying experienced plow drivers.

A resident who was at the meeting advised the Board of Selectmen that the stop sign that is at the end of Center Road was tuned around.  Mr. Kenneally said he would take care of it.  


HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke stated that he was going to have a State Police Troop Commander or Assistant Troop Commander come in and speak with the Selectmen and Budget Committee.  Chief Clarke reported that Officer Wright was going to the Police Academy (full-time) in January until April.  Also, Chief Clarke reported that he received a telephone call regarding the cash that was confiscated during a drug arrest last February; he was told the check was ready to be picked up.  However, the check is not ready.


HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio presented the Board of Selectmen with a schedule for building permits.  He reported JH Spain will be starting a house after January 1st.  Mr. Paveglio stated that Mr. Spain has received his driveway permit and his septic approval.  He advised the Board that he would not issue an occupancy permit until the cistern and access road was completed.

Mr. Paveglio reported that Mr. Mullaney is trying to sell his property located at the corner of Dover Road and Main Street.  Also the window place that is located on Route 4 has been sold.  Mr. Paveglio noticed that the new owner has put up a sunroom display.  He stated he has tried to contact the owner several times to tell him that he can not have the display there until they have met with the Planning Board.  Mr. Paveglio stated that the previous owners of the property had not followed through with the requirements of the Planning Board and he stated that the new owners must follow through before they can get an occupancy permit.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Stevens met with the Board of Selectmen regarding Davis Road.  He stated that he has met with the Planning Board and with the Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio.  He stated that he has a deeded right of way.  His property has road access in Epsom, but not in Chichester.  He would like to subdivide his property and in the future build a house.  He stated that the Town of Epsom is waiting for Mr. Stevens to decide whether he will be putting a driveway in that will exit into the new development in Epsom.  Mr. Stevens said that the driveway would be approximately 600 feet long and 20 feet wide.  He stated that the Town of Epsom will not accept the new development road until Mr. Stevens gives up his deeded right of way.  

Mr. Stevens does not want to open up Davis Road nor does he want to upgrade it to a class V road.  His solution would be to have his driveway come out in Epsom.  Selectman MacCleery stated he would like to see a letter from the Selectmen of Epsom stating they will grant the right to access on Chichester building lot from Chichester.  Chairman DeBold questioned if what Mr. Stevens wants to do is legal. He asked the permission of the Board of Selectmen to speak to Attorney Bart Mayer.  Selectman MacCleery agreed, however, wants to keep Attorney Mayer’s research to a minimum.

Mr. Stevens was asked to collect more information from Epsom; and in the mean time Chairman DeBold will speak to Attorney Bart Mayer.  It was agreed that Mr. Stevens would meet with the Board of Selectman on December 27 at 8PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Paveglio, Police Chief Clarke, Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally and the Board of Selectmen had a telephone conference with Linda Pandolfi of the Local Government Center.  This call was regarding the issue of all Town Employees having personal liability auto insurance.  One question that was answered by Ms. Pandolfi was when the Town’s insurance covered people answering emergencies.  Ms. Pandolfi stated that when the tone sounds, during the responding time and during the incident.  Coverage is not provided after being dismissed by the Fire Chief or returning home from the Safety Building.  After the call is over there is no longer any coverage.  Ms. Pandolfi explained that the owner of the vehicle’s insurance would be the primary payer and Local Government Center would pick up from there.  She also stated that Local Government Center would pick up the deductible up to and including $500.00. She suggested that the Town incorporate a written policy on responding to calls.  Fire Chief Paveglio stated that there was a policy in place.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed an e-mail from Mr. Jeff Pullen regarding a correction to the minutes of November 22, 2005.  He asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect Mr. Pullen’s financial responsibility.  After reviewing the minutes of November 22, 2005, Chairman DeBold stated that he thought the minutes correctly reflects Mr. Pullens financial responsibility and suggested that no changes be made.  Selectman MacCleery agreed.  The minutes of November 22, 2005 will remain as they are.  The Board of Selectmen will follow up on the placement of a bale of hay in the ditch line to prevent erosion.

The Board of Selectmen discussed the hourly rate for Tom Marston. The Board Members decided that Mr. Marston was an experienced plow driver and the Board ok’d Mr. Marston’s pay rate be $15.00 per hour.

The date for the bond public meeting is scheduled for January 17, 2006 at 7PM at Town Hall.  The date for the budget public meeting will be scheduled for February 7, 2006 at 7PM at the Town Hall.

Patty had received a telephone call regarding the temporary lighted sign at the wood carver’s business; the new business on Route 4 “Bill’s RV Repair” and the possibility of someone living in a apartment over a barn.  Chairman DeBold stated that he would look into the lighted sign at the wood carver’s business.  Patty was asked by the Board of Selectmen to send a memo to the Planning Board and ask them to research the new business and the possibility of an apartment over a barn to see if they have come to the Planning Board for site review.

Patty was asked to send a letter to Hillcrest Campground and advise the owner that he must vacate the residents living in camping trailers in accordance with RSA 216-I.  A letter was also sent to the owner of Goosebay Lumber with respect to someone living in a camper on their property.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from December 6, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert